

I may have a bit of a problem...

...but its a problem that I don't want to fix any time soon. I LOVE nail polish!There is something about them that I find completely compelling. From their bright colors to their vibrant shine, everything about them is lovely. I dont know exactly how many I have at this point in time but every time I go to the store I come back with at least one to add to my collection. I'm still in the middle of trying to organize them to my liking and in the process of making a DIY nail rack in which I will post once it is complete :). I'm rather excited about this. Lets get a couple things out of the way. I didn't go to school for nails or anything like that. I just love to do them and I find myself getting better and better as time goes on. I first became obsessed with nail polish almost two years ago when I was pregnant with my first son. I had a hand full of nail polish, some q-tips, a toothpick, and 2 nail art polishes. I didnt have any fancy tools or 9 dollar bottles of polish. I was left to my imagination and I used it every night for majority of my pregnancy. After I had my son, I stopped doing my nails so much. Recently I dusted off my photo box of polish and began adding to my collection. I would check Pinterest religiously to see if any new posts of nail art has been added and take mental notes. I'm not sure how long this will last but I do know that I will post anything and everything nail related while it does last.